Thursday, September 24, 2009

hari raya..

it has been a while since i get to rite in this blog due to the busy period and a long holiday( i am working day and nite by the way) so i take this oppurtinity to wish u guys out there a selamat hari raya and maaf zahir batin for the "TER" that i have done since i know you guys..this sunday may be the first day i am going for a raya at a colleague house ,pity me : (..with all the rendang,ketupat,lemang and all sort of things that associated with hari raya i will taste it 4 the first time this sunday at house not at the hotel and i really hope that his wife is gud cook..some of my friend are truly a gud friends cause eventough that i am working but still they have a time to tapau something for me from their house and i wish thank you and god bless you girl but a few of them lost their loves one during this period..i know one pastry chef that lost her husband on the third day of raya due to heart attack when sleeping,she tried to woke him up the next morning but the body are cold and blue..we when to visit her this morning and the feeling are quite moody for her son this hari raya and may be this long awaited day will not be the same again for him but i just tell myself that after a month of puasa and 3 full days of asking forgiveness from all the people that he knew,he must very lucky to have pass away in his sleep without pain and without a sin in his name..they told me that it was a high blood pressure that stop his heart cause when you take to much sweet and may be lamb or beef the neck will feel some pain and the artery will push the blood vessel to the wall creating pressure to the my friend please eat wisely during this holiday,dont eat with lust cause its going to harm you in long term,just take a little bit at a time cause you know that the food will not finished..Selamat Hari Raya my friends, hope to c u next time..